Sunday, January 21, 2007

President Bush Vs. Governor Bush

When you say enough to get what you need, then you are free to put on the puppet strings and get played. In as much as this is up for a laugh, it's no joke the way lives are being lost over there. I've got friends serving with the army and U.S.M.C. and I hope they're brought home soon.

1 comment:

Mood Indigo said...

Thanks for posting this - I hadn't seen it. I'm just focusing my energy on 2008 and hoping by then the duality of a Democratic Congress and Republican presidency, combined with an incredibly disatisfied country, will result in some positive steps being taken. The problem is - I'm not sure there's any "right" way to address what's going on in Iraq now - we've just created such a HUGE problem - I'm not sure how, or if, we can fix it...