Sunday, January 28, 2007

A 5 Point Post

The good: The snow is back and I'm completely happy for it. As a purist, winter just isn't the same without it. A pardon on my behalf for any southerners out there. I can finally go snowboarding, when work and school don't get in the way. The snow just makes the days a little brighter too in that it helps dispel the grey and gloom. Finally it's also a sign that global warming hasn't completely warped the climate.

The bad: President George W. Bush. That alone should be enough to fill the bad part of this post but there is unfortunately more to mention. The war in Iraq is a massive failure. I support the men and women over there, but their mission or lack of clear purpose there is dis-heartening. Now it seems as though the mistakes of the past have been ignored and the rhetoric is repeating itself. One of the latest quotables has Dubya saying of the Iranian people that "they are a proud people"... Yeah, he said that about the Iraqis too and how important it was to "protect" them... Words are one thing, but I hope actions don't repeat themselves.

The funny:
When an orgasm has been achieved through sex, you can measure theta waves. These are also said to cause the "running high" feeling of euphoria experienced sometimes by marathon runners. If theta waves are taken as a criterion, the entire brain emits theta waves when women reach an orgasm that are close to 10 times stronger than when men climax. So, if theta waves are an indication of an orgasm's strength, then women experience an orgasm that is physically impossible for men to go through. Putting it a little crudely, if the intensity of a woman's orgasm was played through a man's brain, there's a danger that the shock to his system would kill him... But oh man, what a way to go.

The sad: I feel slightly disconnected from many of the things that should be important to me right now: My friends, my education, my job, my family, etc... It's not that my love and dedication for the above have diminished... I dunno, maybe it's just a point in time again where I wonder how I fit in and question my purpose in the grand scheme of things. Even in this, my words don't convey the true essence of my state. But I guess that's the crux of it eh? BLARGH!!! Oh and I just broke the screen to my cell phone... Pooh.

The down right odd:
Doctors aren't able to schedule women for breast augmentation surgery as quickly as they used to. Why? Because MEN are turning to cosmetic surgery to tackle the embarrassment of “man breasts”, fuelling a near doubling in the number of people sculpting their bodies through liposuction. Surgeons have reported a surge in the number of men requesting breast-reduction operations for ‘moobs’. The boom in demand for liposuction is revealed in an audit by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS). Figures to be published this week show 4,000 operations were carried out last year, compared with 2,100 in 2005. Though women still champion the plastic surgery cause they have seen their share of the surgery scene decrease to an alarming 92%.


Eve said...

Where's the photo from?

I'm so happy about the snow too. Last night I stood outside and watched it come down. Lovely.

Dubya. I know. Just waiting...

I think reflection can be a good thing, as long as you don't get bogged down in it, into a downward spiral.

Manboobs! Ha!

S'Mat said...

i don't know if we can even handle the female orgasm when its only on the outside! as seifeld once said in standup.. a man's experience of the female orgasm is similar to recounting a car-crash.. 'i heard this screeching sound and then i was suddenly facing the wrong way and then i was thrown clear"

time to work on my theta-waves i think

Mood Indigo said...

wow - lots of useful info in this here post. How does one test theta-waves by the way?

Re: disconnect-ed-ness...This too shall pass - I think you need these moments sometimes to realize the opposite side of the spectrum when you're in that place (a much happier place to be).

Indiana James said...

I'd love to say I took that photo myself but I found it on a web site, and as I type this, I don't know which one exactly...

As for the theta waves, I don't know how exactly they measure them... But I wouldn't mind finding out more about the production process... : P

Reflections are a good thing when you can stand what you see looking back at you. Today was a good start, so hopefully things keep along this path...