Monday, April 23, 2007

The Things We Do

On the way home a few days ago, I ended up taking the same train home as my sister. When we got to our stop, she challenged me to a race to the station doors to avoid the slow walkers as they exited the train.

" I'll race you."


"To the door, I hate getting herded like cattle by all the slow people when they get out of the train."

"Are you serious?"



"Oh yeah."

Oh dear...

Nevermind the fact that we are what society considers adults having this conversation, it was done aloud and on a crowded train. There was also a cute girl in a smart business outfit who was rather amused with our antics. I don't think she thought we were actually going to do it, but she obviously doesn't know my family.

The business class and rush hour deadheads don't have much personality going on at 6 in the evening so needless to say it was essential that we got ahead of them in the effort to exit the station platform without being swallowed up in a massive void.

The doors open and damn it all if Ali doesn't bolt as if there was TV with America's next top model playing on it at the end of the platform. I was clearly in for a challenge to get to the door ahead of time. Let me also add that we were dressed somewhat respectably as well, her for work, and me for court so that must have added to the bewilderment we caused running for the doors.

Ali darted to the right and I thought I had a good path with a few zig zags along the way. A HA!!! I had it, the door was just ahead when damn it all, old Grandma Nettles decides to do a zig of her own. A full zig zag combo may have broken her hip, which coincidentally is what I almost did when she and I met...

We all joke when in our cars, about collecting points for running old people over at the stop light. (don't try and hide behind your screens and deny it) It just seems so funny and totally acceptable when you're in a car...

Oh why couldn't have I been in a car?


Indiana James said...

No, I did not cause any damage to her. Well, I can't say for sure, I may have heard a muffled "Ow" as I flew by. :P

Oh and I lost the race.

Leslie said...

Hi, there. Found you by way of Airam. Nice job making your evening commute into an adventure!

Crashdummie said...

haha well gotto say you seem to have a lovely sister - I HATE getting herded like sheep!

Hmmm, car. Well what do you think, with a nick like mine? ;)


Airam said...


I love this!!!

Steph said...

You knocked down an old lady?
For Shame! *high five*

Princess Pointful said...

How can you do such things? ;)