Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ho Hum

I love my mom. She's an amazing little (stature wise) woman who has the right words at the right times. There are times though where it becomes clear that she wasn't born here, nor keeps up with modern day slang as evidenced by the following conversation. As some of you may know there were a few racist comments made recently by a radio personality regarding members of a women's basketball team. The following is the conversation my mom and sister had with my mom trying to understand what this man was apologizing for. : )

mom says:

by the way do you know about the racist comment on Rutgers basketball team by Mr. Imus?

mom says:

what is "hoe" (?) the word used by Mr. Imus?

Alison says:

no i didn't hear what he said but i heard he got suspended

mom says:

what does 'nappy-headed ho' mean?

I love my family.


Princess Pointful said...

That made me smile.
I hope she never finds out what nappy-headed means.

Airam said...

It's like the innocence of a child. Love it.

S'Mat said...
