Wednesday, May 9, 2007

You're Not That Important

There are so many reasons out there to make fun of or even dislike some Americans. For starters, their president, the other day, made a slip and almost stated to her face, that Queen Elizabeth was 230 years old... Hey they voted for him and must be sooooo proud. In some cases, I wonder if it's ignorance or hubris or some rank combination of them both.

For the purpose of this blurb, I'll take the hubristic approach. If the rest of the common sense world could act as a deity, the open defiance wrought forth by the United Shame of America could be attributed as the main reason, why they are as Greek tragedy would suggest, considered a nemesis.

At the beginning of the year, there was a situation that arose from a confidential report filed by U.S. army contractors stating they believed they had been spied on and potentially had some confidential conversations compromised by get ready for this, CANADIANS... Yes, we of the beaver, maple syrup and iglood persuasion. The contractors found suspicious coins in their rental vehicles which they believed to have embedded nano-technology that may have been used to track them... Seriously.

What they thought were spy coins were actually 25 cent pieces, just as pictured above. The nano-technology they were referring to was the textured impression in the centre of the coin and the coated layering applied to the face of the coin to preserve the colour. The coin was a commemorative piece featuring the poppy flower, Canada's symbol of tribute to its fallen soldiers.

They were so concerned with these strange coins that they filed a highly classified report detailing their concerns. Somehow, this report made it through screening and a warning concerning the open circulation of these espionage coins was actually issued by the federal department in charge with aggressively pissing off the rest of the world!

Really, why would we take the time to plant a device that could freely be mistaken and used as common currency?!?!? We're not that sinister or evil a nation to do something dastardly like that. We're Canadians for crying out loud. People love us.

And besides, what harm could a little beaver do to compromise a man? ; )


Crashdummie said...

”We're Canadians for crying out loud. People love us.”

Ah, or that is what we let you believe. We’ve got out eyes on you, - can’t fool me with those innocent beaver eyes. ;)

Lin-Zed said...

Tee hee...This whole situation is providing me with far more entertainment then it probably should.
I'll be walking down the street and the thought of it will cross my mind, and I'll start chuckling to myself. Seriously, I'm going to become the crazy girl pretty soon.

Airam said...

Ha! This story was so ridiculous and I couldn't believe it as I was reading about it!

Steph said...

Lol, Canadians and Australians are in the same boat. Nobody really takes us seriously but damn we look good!!

S'Mat said...

steph.. at least most of the aussies know they're not taken seriously, many canadians are still pretty indignant about that...

Lemon Gloria said...

Yes, there are many reasons to loathe Americans. I am always tempted to say I'm Canadian when traveling, because it's true - everyone likes you!