Sunday, May 27, 2007

I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane

So I was thinking to myself that I would come back from a little blog absence with a poem that I've been thinking of crafting for a while. I typed a line out but then that idea quickly faded and died as fast as a burning ember cast forth from the core, unwanted, and denied lasting sustenance. Uh yeah...

I then thought of adding another "5 Point Post" but then I quickly realized that I didn't have my material freshly served up and ready to go as I usually do. I didn't feel like barfing out a sub-standard version of the installment. I tried to think of something but I was too distracted by trying to plan out my trip.

This trip is going to be my salvation but in the mean time, it is quickly becoming my death. As the saying goes, the only person you can really rely on is yourself. In this case, I am finding that to be truer and truer, the more people who take their time getting back to me as to whether or not I'll be able to stay with them when I launch my ass over to Europe.

I hatched an idea last fall that this spring or early summer that I would reward myself for a year of hard work, broken heartedness, rainy Cuban escapes, sad losses, and other foul piles of bull shit with a me, myself, and I European adventure. Not one of those package jobs, but a personal little journey to places where I've never been before.

Ok, it didn't start that way exactly, just a trip to Europe. I figured, I was single, there are loads of things to do out there, and scores of European women to meet. They alone would be a sweet departure from the sometimes upity, tight-arsed "ladies" that comprise the female exposure I am subjected to here in Toronto. As time went by, I realized that I had a completely amazing group of friends scattered throughout the European landscape.

So it was decided that I would take on a trip to England, Sweden, Finland, Holland, Germany, and Switzerland. Those are the set in stone options as Scotland and France are still on the radar, but on the outside, looking in. Of that group, I've only been to England so my eyes are going to be opened for sure. Lucky me too though, that I have friends in each of those countries so I basically just have to get my ass over there and the rest "should" be taken care of, providing that they all get back to me on time.

Back in 2000 / 01, I lived in China for 7 months and I was very fortunate to meet and make a very close and fascinating group of friends. We all pretty much stayed in touch and these are the poor saps who have to contend with me when I get to haunt each of them. So, I'm hoping they all get their ducks in a row so I am not left out. Oh hell, even if I am, nothing improvisation and a cheap ticket to Rome or somewhere else won't fix.


Airam said...

Ohhhhhh I'm so jealous of your travel plans!! Take me with you!!

Crashdummie said...

A poetic guy huh? Sweet, I’ve heard Swedish girls fancy that sentimental cheesiness ;) Do let me know if you need some inside tips if you are gonna visit Sweden – Gothenburg is a must!

Btw, you’re not quite sure where you’ll end up? How exiting! Have a fab trip.


Princess Pointful said...

Sounds delicious!
I love the idea of anonymity and freedom of not having a rigid schedule.
When's the departure date?

Indiana James said...

Princess, I'll be going on the 7'th of June.

Crash, I'll be in Stockholm on the 8'th until the 12'th.

Airam, If you want to come along, you're free to join me. Doesn't the teaching year end soon? If you can't make this one, come with me to Costa Rica in the fall when I go to surf camp.

Airam said...

I have summer school. (cries)