Sunday, May 13, 2007

Et Tu Mrs. Robinson?

So I recently started seeing a stewardess, or flight attendant as they are to be p.c. referred to as... This whole situation started out rather innocently and randomly as it was. Normally when one attends a home show, the last thing they think of is picking up or being picked up as the course of browsing and sampling is done. So imagine my surprise when I found myself with plans for a first date while running to catch the train home.

I'd first seen her from down the exhibit hall. While at the home decor booth that she was working at, we struck up a bit of a conversation. Being at the home show, she asked me if I was looking for things home related and if there were kids or a wife to consider while looking around. Double edged sword that question, half business, half scoping me out... The latter and slightly sinful, second side of course wasn't realized by me to be so until I'd already cut my rug with the course of my dance... I prattled off about not being able to wait to have kids, but being able to wait if she got what I meant. I proceeded to lay it all out and basically advertise myself as a guy who wasn't prepared to have a family let alone a stable or serious relationship. I was single, it was the summer, I wanted to travel and be a heart melter more so than a heart breaker. Ha.

So we talked and I noticed right away that she was older, but how much older, I didn't know, or didn't care about at that exact moment. I also noticed she was a fair bit taller than I was. You see, as a towering 5'6" Chinese dude, there aren't too many women out there who picture me as the ideal guy they wake up hoping to meet based on pure physical expectations. I understand and I get that, but I am of the attitude of instead of asking "Why me?", it's now "Why not me?". Her booth got busy and I toured around for a bit before stopping by on my way out. I thought about whether I should or not, but in the end, I said "fuck it" and asked her out. Turns out she was really hoping I was going to ask her out and was even thinking of asking me out if I didn't ask her first.

The first date a week later was a dinner and a beach front walk, the second, 5 days after the first, was the lunch and a movie affair. Both of those went well and turns out she's a great kisser which never hurt anyone. Seemed to work for her as she'd let slip on our first date something equating good kissing with good sex. I'm a guy so food, sex talk, good looking women and a long day at work made things a tad bit hard to concentrate so her quote may be slightly off... The third date was supposed to be the next night with us making dinner at her place and then watching a movie. Things didn't happen in that order but in the end, they did.

Since then, there hasn't been much time for or any attempts at another proper date with rendez-vous (pl) having to suffice. Oh, and I still don't know how old she is. I'm thinking somewhere between 32 and 37. Though I could be wrong on the older side of things. My only clue is that her film and tv credits start from what she's told me in 1992 or 93... On the flip side of that, I don't think she knows how old I am either ( 27 btw ). I am usually of the jeans and t-shirt persuasion, but on that first day I was dressed in my business attire having just come from court. Seems like we're both going with the flow and allowing come what may.

Don't know really what to do here, nor am I really thinking about it. The physical connection is there, but I don't know whether it's a matter of not having the emotional, or me not wanting to extend that part of myself out. Just putting into practice the whole summer of James attitude: going out and being, enjoying myself and not worrying about the past, doing what it is that I want, taking chances I may not have previously and just experiencing and in this case doing so with the experienced. I figured I'd have things go my way at some point, just wasn't expecting it so soon or in this form. : )


Airam said...

Just have fun! And let the chips fall as they may. Go into this thing with a "whatever happens, happens" attitude and you won't feel disappointed or deflated in the end if they don't work out the way you had planned or hoped.

Eve said...

Hurray for the Summer of James!

And I think we're at the point when age sort of doesn't matter. I mean, if you have a connection with someone, just enjoy it!

Lin-Zed said...

What is it about the summer and a loss of inhibitions? I was checking out a motorcycle rider in leather chaps today. He is certainly not Mr. Security.
I say go for it...who cares how old she is. She's a flight attendant...and an older woman? At the very least it will be a totally hot affair.

Princess Pointful said...

Agreed with those above me.
It would be one thing if you were both clearly in the market for something serious and would have to have all those important talks about where you both are in life, etc, etc.

However... she knows the score, you know the score, and you both have fun with each other. What else is there to worry about?

Plus... you know you've always wanted to ;)

Eve said...


Indiana James said...

Hey all,

Yeah, as Princess pointed out, it's a bit of a fun time as the whole stewardess thing is kinda hot. Mix in that she's an actress and a model and it's like a 3 for 1 deal.

It is what it is though and I believe that we're both in for as long as the good is good. Isn't that a Sheryl Crow song?

Hot summer affair is right. I was thinking with the whole attitude shift that something fun and or exciting would come about, just didn't figure it would be so soon. We'll see where it goes and such. At a bit of a odd point though as I'm not of the multiple girls at one time guy. So we'll see what comes my way.

Enjoying it all for now.

Steph said...

yeah, what everyone else said. Just go with it. Age is irrevelant really, as long as you're having a good time and getting along.

Lin-Zed said...

Famous last words. I was never the multiple guys at one time girl...until last fall I was all of a sudden seeing three at once. It's totally hot...until it isn't...and then it's a pain in the butt. But for awhile...totally hot. You know what they say...when it rains, it pours

Crashdummie said...

I guess the logic behind this thinking is that you might as well go for younger men – they never grow up anyway ;)

Do let us know how old Ms Robinson turns out to me, I’m defiantly intrigued.

PS. Dunno if saying congrats would be to un-pc.

S'Mat said...

age is irrelevant... until its made relevant, which might happen faster for her than you. afterall, her three professions do happen to be closely (and unfairly) associated with youth. plus, you don't need to want to have babies to feel bad about not being able to have them. watch out for related (or repressed) neuroses!!

lordy, i feel like a pin-wielding jerk at a happyballoon party here. sorry. what i really mean is: HAVE FUN!!
