Sunday, December 3, 2006

Thank You, I’m Sorry, Take Care, I Miss You, And I’ll Talk To You Later. (part 1)

This is a segment of a piece that was meant to be a letter from a guy to his ex but it kinda grew gangly legs and started becoming a bit of a story...

* * * * *

To be honest, I didn’t think that I’d ever see you again after the first time. It was just a bit more than one of those coffee shop glances, or shy smile and look aways caught in the subway. Just a bit extra that left more than a feeling to muse about. You know the type, you swear those are moments meant just for you; A slice of sweet satisfaction served as just reward for the mindless suffering thoroughly documented in guest columns in Cosmo: What men really think the first time…

~ Hidden gem that magazine is really. A guy’s guide to the common sense of a woman, I know that sometimes is an oxymoron but honestly it really simplifies so much. The stigma of reading a woman’s magazine is paralyzing, but get over that and you’re almost better off than spending your time with a Maxim or FHM. More models, more lingerie ads, perfume samples (stuff you’d actually be attracted to instead of colognes where you may find yourself one day hmmming and saying aloud “I really like that smell” and then realizing you’re standing next to another man as your eyes open to your nose drawing nearer to the object of your subliminal desire) and details about women you couldn’t write into a perfect dream. ~

But I digress...

2b cont'd.


JFC said...

Hey James - nifty spot here. Good to see you online...

Eve said...

No kidding, reading Cosmo is good research/espionage. Although beware of becoming too jaded...(Happened to me from reading FHM/Maxim.)