Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A 5 Point Post

The good: I'm going on my trip in a few days. I will have worked 20 out of 22 days by the time this Thursday comes along. I finish work at 5PM and I'm on a plane to England at 11PM. Doesn't leave too much time to pack or even get ready for it but so it goes. I think I'll finally realize I'm on vacation when I arrive in Stockholm. There's just been so much going on with everything over the last year and a bit that this little journey should be good for the soul. I've decided to make traveling a priority in my life. Best way to fix a mushed up heart is to fill it with whatever the world can offer. Next up after this, surf camp in Costa Rica. But first up, Europe and I'm sure there will be more than a few sights to get the appreciation for the finer things in life back. Any one want to take a guess as to which country will have the nicest ladies? Ok Crash, no biased answers here.

The bad: Wondering what the hell it is I'm doing with myself. So goes the woes of the 20 something, but really, I just feel kind of out of touch with what is going on out there. I look around at some of the other people I grew up with and I see them and equate their lives to our respective ages and I just don't feel like I'm at the same place with it all. Sure, I have a career, doing exactly what I wanted to do. (how many people can honestly say that) Said career carries with it immense responsibility, hell people's lives are literally in my hands at times!!! Yet being all that as it is, I still just don't see myself as a 27 year old. The ex once told me she sometimes didn't see me having the job I did, because I acted a lot like a 6 year old. Seeing as how she was working with kids that age at that time, she'd know. In a way I was glad that I didn't carry the job home with me and that she could see beyond the uniform, but did it mean more? I've always held the belief that as you grow up, you should never lose your inner child, but at what point does being an adult take hold? Bah.

The funny: I haven't seen a professional sports coach lose his mind quite like this in some time. This is impressive as much as it is embarrassing, but still a good laugh.

The sad: Fuck the sad for once. There's too much of it and I got really put off by something that happened the other day. So for at least one post, there will be none of it. I have had enough. Angry and down is not who this half full half pint is. Grumble grumble grumble.

The down right odd: Police in Naron, Spain pulled over a man in an electric wheelchair who was traveling "at considerable speed" down the highway linking Ferrol with As Pontes, in the northwest of Spain. First off, I'd like to know what a considerable speed is for one of those things. I can just imagine the possibility for after market kits to soup those babies up... The man, who is TETRAPLEGIC and drives his wheelchair with his mouth and chin, had apparently become lost while looking for a brothel. Seriously. Like is there feeling down there? Maybe this part of the section should have fallen under the sad portion of the post, but I guess we as humans all have our needs. But C'MON... Maybe in Spain the ladies are more courteous and compassionate, but are they that far ahead that they have wheel chair accessible brothels?!?!? That'd be something. But then again as I typed that out, I found this from 2001. Steph, this is another reason why I love the Aussies.


Airam said...

Have so much fun on your trip! I'm dying to go to England. Hopefully I can make it there next summer. Take lots of pics and don't forget to post them!

Indiana James said...

Oh, I'll see what I can do while I'm oot an aboot o'er dare eh? : )

Crashdummie said...

"Any one want to take a guess as to which country will have the nicest ladies?"

Hmmm, the one in costa rica? ;) I dunno, whereabouts are ya planning to travel within Europe. Just gotto warn you, people in Stockholm might seem a bit stiff and uptight, but most of them are really nice…. Although not as nice as the lovely people in Gothenburg.

Eve said...

I want to go to surf camp too! My roommate taught surfing in Costa Rica. Hmm...

Yay your trip! I hope you get the chance to post while you're away.

And don't lose the child in you. It makes me so sad to seen "grown-ups," you know, the ones who forget the wonder and silliness of being a kid.

But I hope you don't lose it like that guy on the field. One great part of adulthood is being able to manage impulses, at least to a certain extent.

"The man, who is TETRAPLEGIC and drives his wheelchair with his mouth and chin, had apparently become lost while looking for a brothel." Hahahahahaha.